Thursday, October 27, 2011

Busy as Bumble Bee

WHOA HORSIE.... this fall has started off in high gear! We have been busily running around from event to event and place to place. And well, if I'm honest, I wouldn't have it any other way. Our family works better when we're busy. We're more efficient and get a lot more done. 

Thanks to all who commented on my previous school post. I appreciated hearing from each of you and it made me feel better knowing other friends are struggling with the exact same issue. 
(it's better in numbers, right?!) 
Let me give a brief update on the topic:
My mind changes daily, and sometimes hourly, regarding the issue. Each day when I drive pass our public school I see the darling children outside learning in the organic garden and think about Charlotte being there and how much she would love that. But then, I think about the private schools and how much I love them too and all the different experiences she would have there, but one mayor hurdle is their hefty price tag....
Obviously, we don't have a definite decision yet but we have a plan!
We are going to apply to 4 private schools, go through the admission process and see what happens come March 9th. March 9th is the day that the private schools mail out the acceptance letters and by then we will have investigated and thought through all of our options more closely and be able to choose the best plan for Charlotte. 

Ok, enough about that. 

We had a surprise visit from Jason and Abbi a few weeks ago! 
Jason had got a ticket to one of the Ranger's play-off games and decided to come a little earlier to hang out with us and go watch one of Charlotte's soccer games.

We told him to prepare for an action packed game with nail-biting plays! ;) 

She was proud to show off her skills! 

Later that afternoon, Justin and I took Charlotte and Abbi to Owens' Pumpkin Farm. 

We missed it last year because we ran out of time, but I'm glad we made it a priority this year. Both of the girls had a great time and there was stuff for each of them to do. 

Abbi's favorite part was the animals - I see a Veterinarian in our family's future!

The following weekend we drove down to San Antonio to visit family and attend the KFGCMF golf tournament. There was a good turn out from golfers and the weather was prefect. It made for a fun day (nap included)!

That Friday night we went to the Alamo Heights football game and got to watch Taylor cheer ~
she is a doll! 
It made Charlotte's day to get a hug from a cheerleader!

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